Over a decade of speaking with, learning with and helping over 100 patients there is no one size fits all solution. Listening and customization are what make us unique.
It can be difficult to look in the mirror and be as honest with yourself as you need to be. To make introspection easier, I would like you to look at these patients (whose names have been changed) to see if there is a pattern you identify with. If the answer is yes, I know our program will work for you.
Can you relate to Bev's story?
Details of life experience:
- Has diabetes, osteoarthritis, kidney disease
- Limited mobility
- Loves sweets & carbohydrates
- Everything hurts
The Rochester Medical Weight Loss Approach for patients who need to lose weight for surgery:
We know how much pain you are in and you don’t want you children to know. We know. You need surgery and you need it yesterday. Let’s get to work.
Physical Activity
Exercise. Are you kidding?! Let’s get you operation ready.
We know you are stubborn. And we believe no matter how entrenched you are, the pain will go away if you are open to change.
Your body is complex and emotions, food, genetics all play a role in your health.

Grandma Bev needs a knee replacement but the surgeon requires her to lose 30 pounds before it is safe.
We take all factors into account to ensure your primary care physician is a partner in our process.
Lose Weight. Improve Your Health. Build a Strong, Confident, Revitalized YOU.