Advice for Medical Weight Loss

You’ve probably heard a lot of advice about the best way to lose weight. You have access to a multitude of resources – online, digital and print magazines, TV shows, etc. – and they all talk about the best, most efficient way to diet and lose weight.
Our advice is a bit different than these “fad” diets, allowing patients to achieve lasting results, longer than a trend diet ever can.
Don’t let weight loss be your goal.
Yes, we do support healthy weight loss, but you might experience a serious problem if you focus on weight loss rather than a lifestyle change. Suppose your diet works – What happens when you reach your ideal weight? Many weight loss patients fall back into their previous eating habits and re-gain the weight they just lost.
A diet might help you lose weight temporarily, but it won’t help you maintain a healthy weight. Dieting is never the final answer – you can’t live on meal replacements for the rest of your life. You’ll eventually need to return to whole foods that are rich in nutrition, protein, and healthy carbs.
So instead, focus on a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle affects your daily routine, eating habits, and food choices.
During the day as you plan out your meals, remember how consuming and burning calories affects the whole body, and adjust your caloric intake accordingly. Try to learn to appreciate healthy foods like fresh vegetables, whole fruit, and unprocessed meals. Go back to the basics. You might be surprised how energized and excited healthy food options make you feel once you experience the weight loss benefits.
Don’t set impossible goals.
If you tell yourself you have to lose 30 lbs. in a month, you’re automatically setting yourself up for failure. Goals that extreme aren’t healthy or likely. If you want to transition into a healthier lifestyle, you must set achievable, realistic goals. Losing 1-2 lbs. a week is much more reasonable – you can achieve this goal with patience, commitment, and endurance.
However, your journey doesn’t end once you reach your weight loss goal. Your health should be a lifelong commitment. So instead of setting a weight loss goal, set a lifestyle goal.
Don’t get discouraged.
If you don’t see the success you want to see right away, don’t get discouraged. Even if you give in to a tempting snack, don’t let yourself give up completely. No one is perfect, so don’t try to be – just try to be better. Focus on the positive, the progress that you do see. Maybe once you start to see a change for the better, your excitement will help motivate you to persevere on your journey.
As always, we’re excited to see you succeed and we want to encourage you along the way! If you’re interested for more healthy weight loss tips or you’re looking for medical supervision during your weight loss journey, contact us and we’d be happy to chat!
Tags: Diet, healthy weight management, medical weight loss, weight loss, weight loss tips