How to Avoid Halloween Weight Gain
Weight Loss Programs
A month ago, Halloween flooded our grocery stores with candy, costumes, and grotesque decor. You’re probably excited for the upcoming Halloween parties at work, your kids’ school, maybe your own home. Although the festivities abound with outrageous outfits, fun games, and partying with friends, Halloween also marks the beginning of the holiday season. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all wait for you around the corner. And each holiday usually entails gourmet meals, scrumptious desserts, and delectable chocolates.
So our question for you: What’s your game plan for keeping weight OFF this season? You need specific goals to help you stay true to your weight loss commitment. We have a few suggestions that promote a healthier lifestyle!
Exercise for 80 seconds before each meal
Our exercise physiologist customizes an exercise routine for each of our patients based on his or her comorbidities, medical history, and personal weight loss goals. If you do these exercises for a minute and a half before each meal – including in-between snacks – the energy from the food will go towards muscle build instead of fat storage.
Exercise again 90 minutes after a meal
Your blood sugar levels are highest an hour and a half after you eat. The energy you get from your meals will either be used – or stored for later. If you want your body to use that energy, go through another round of your customized exercises. Remember, always think about directing the energy to your muscles, not storage.
Exercise every day
Consistency is key with all weight loss programs. Always remember that food is energy, so as often as you eat food, make a point to exercise. Do this consistently and you’re well on your way to realizing your weight loss goals!
A Final Comment
Maybe you’ve noticed that if you do all three of these tips, you will establish a lifestyle of activity. Exercise, an essential factor for weight loss, should permeate your entire every-day schedule. The energy you put in your body has to go somewhere. The bottom line is simple: don’t let it go to storage.
We hope these guidelines encourage you! If you need any help or encouragement along your journey, please call us! We want to know how you’re doing and if you need medical help for weight loss. Call 585-467-8838 and we’d be happy to talk!
Tags: bariatrician, Diet, exercise, weight loss, Weight Loss Programs