How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

It’s the most wonderful time of the year … when every holiday party you go to, whether it’s a Christmas Eve religious service, Christmas party, New Year’s Eve bash complete with fireworks, goodness, maybe even a very late Thanksgiving party, one thing remains the same –
They all come with trays and trays of delicious food, usually tasty desserts such as frosted sugar cookies, gingerbread houses, pumpkin pie, mint truffles … we don’t need to go on.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years play a significant role in our nation’s obesity problem. Obesity in the U.S. affects over 70% of the entire population. The National Institute of Health claims that adults gain one to two pounds over the holidays that they likely never lose. Over the years, this weight gain can seriously add up.
But we understand you don’t want to miss out on the festivities. What can you do to avoid holiday weight gain but still celebrate with your loved ones? Check out some suggestions! →
1. Bring Flowers to the Party

Most guests at holiday parties bring a dish to share, but Dr. Masood suggests bringing something a little more diet-friendly: flowers. Everyone enjoys a gorgeous arrangement, and no one will gain a single ounce by looking at them. Non-edibles won’t tempt you to forget your weight loss plan during a party.
2. Keep Exercising to Avoid Weight Gain
Maybe it’s time to start a new family tradition – a nice leisurely walk after mealtime. Exercising after a meal gives your metabolism a chance to burn any extra calories that would otherwise go into storage.
In addition, when you exercise in the cold, you increase the metabolism of ‘brown fat’ – the fat cells that burn energy and create heat. When the body is cold, the metabolic rate can jump by 80%, largely due to the activity of the brown fat. Over three hours, you can burn an extra 250 calories by taking a brisk walk.
So take a stroll around the neighborhood to see all the Christmas lights! Maybe even try caroling! Anything that gets your heart rate going.
3. Focus on the Conversation to Ignore the Desserts

The holidays offer a special time to visit with people you care about. Somehow over the years, the focus shifted to the food, but that’s not how things should be. Instead of paying attention only to the menu, distract yourself with meaningful conversations with the people around you.
4. Avoid Temptations
Sometimes the temptation to eat naughty food can be overwhelming. We recommend actually eating before you arrive at the party. Tell yourself you’re done with mealtime.
If you’re still tempted, drink a lot of water. Water is not only extremely beneficial for your system, it’s also a hunger suppressant.
Sometimes eating ahead isn’t always an option – you don’t want to appear rude to your host and not eat what he/she provides. If that’s the case, limit your stimulus to fruits and veggies.
5. Indulge Once, But No More!
So it’s the holiday season – if there’s any a time to indulge on your meal plan, it’s now. So treat yourself to those sinfully tempting delectables at your holiday party. But remember – eat only one.
Portion control plays a huge part in healthy weight management. Your body can handle maybe one small treat. Eat it slowly to enjoy every bit of it, and then stop. If you don’t think you can stop at one, try not to eat any. Be strict with yourself.
We hope you find these tips helpful! This holiday season should be a wonderful time for you and your loved ones. Don’t let holiday weight gain spoil it for you!
Tags: Diet, obesity, prevention, weight management, weightloss